

So this morning while we were getting ready all Cameron wanted to do was turn on the water in the bathtub. Now he knows that this is a major NO NO! He cutely looks at me with his hand on the faucet and I reply "Cameron I'm going to spank you". Now what happens? He reaches behind and spanks himself! We played out this scenario about 5 more times before we left. Ultimately he did decide not to turn on the water, I guess he had given himself enough "spankings" already.

But it made me start thinking...how many times do I weigh the consequences of my actions and still choose disobedience? Let me answer that, most days I do it many times! Obedience should be done for love, from a heart of gratitude...not just for the avoidance of consequences. Disobedience is never worth the consequences. It is a big red flag if you are willing to accept not only the consequence of disobeying but the knowledge that your heart is out of tune with God's.

And with that in mind, I'm going to start my cleaning!




A Day at the Park

Today we went to the park with a lot of our amazing friends. I cannot believe how blessed I am to have each of these ladies in my life...God is so good! I thought I'd share I few things I learned:
1. 6 wk old and 17 month old can be interesting...but I'm so glad they will have each other to play with unlike the kids who are talking to themselves.
2. The park makes me nervous...Cameron is going to get hurt and that's OK. This is going to be step one in accepting that I cannot control every move that he makes...but oh it is HARD!
3. Take snacks...my poor little chunky monkey had no cracker. Thankfully, there were snacks to be shared :) His face was priceless though!Finally, be excited! When was the last time you can remember being this joyful? Man, I want my life to exemplify this excitement in all that I do. I want to enjoy the ride and experience all of the fun that God is so graciously willing to share with me!I am so glad that Spring is here!!! I can't wait for all of the adventures to come!

