
Easter Weekend

I don't know why but this is probably my favorite pic form this weekend. We had a jam packed, non stop weekend of fun. James' family came into town to celebrate with us. Saturday morning we decided to go to two Easter Egg Hunts. I learned that by Easter Egg hunt they really mean, rush to pick up as many eggs off the ground as possible. There is no actual hiding involved! Cameron had a great time, he is still proudly toting his Easter basket around the house full of eggs. We had an awesome time at the city hunt and I even found an opportunity to venture out of my Christian bubble on a long-term basis!!!

Sunday was AMAZING! I was trilled to see so many committed Mosaic partners filled with excitement and invested in making visitors have the best experience possible. Of course, there were many attacks- James spent the whole night awake coughing up a lung! The sound system had all the problems to be expected on a big day. The nursery had all sorts of craziness going on....BUT God was there! In the midst of all of the chaos God met us where we were and it was beautiful. The message on mercy was so challenging. How can I ever feel like someone doesn't deserve my mercy anymore, how foolish! God never ceases to give me mercy and I don't even think I give 7x's worth of mercy to others.

I hope that everyone had an awesome Easter full of God, love and fun! I'm excited for this rush of energy that is going to carry us into the summer and hopefully challenge us all to be active participants in our faith!