
So obviously I have some serious blogging issues. It's not just blogging I have a general inability to follow through in almost everything I do. Basically, I justify it as a fear of failure but who knows. Otherwise life is so good. The truth of drawing near to God and he will draw near to you has never been more true. I am changing my life (or allowing God to radically makeover who I have become). I am seeking the Lord daily, I am a vegetarian, I am trying to workout as a way of seeking physical discipline. I am changing the presence of my home, desiring that it is a place of rest and joy to our family and all those who enter. I am enjoying the blessing of who my husband is and how amazing my family is. I am so in love with my Mosaic family and am trying to open my heart and time to them more and more. I have never felt better. I cannot believe that God chooses to spend time remolding something that he has already had to invest so much time trying to refashion into the creation he designed. I say all this because I finally realized, it's never too late, God can always make a way. But it takes day by day effort to make change. No matter how small or seemingly insignificant. Do what God is asking and calling you to in your personal life and he will not disappoint!

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...the vegetarian thing didn't work out, nor did working out come to think of it.
