
So I just finished reading my husbands awesome blog, as well as a few others that I follow. Seriously they had 10 things about their life/joys that really cheered me up. What's wrong? Nothing! But I wanted to take a moment to dwell on the goodness of life. So here are 10 things that make me happy right now.

10. Giggling with girls at work about babies

9. Acting like a fool for my baby so that he will giggle at me

8. Gloria's bread

7. My sister and our lives changing together

6. I am deeply loved by my Mosaic family

5. God is stretching me farther than I am comfortable daily

4. That I am at the age where I will be attending 2 year old Birthday parties again

3. That everything is so green and it has been raining for 2 whole days

2. That I am married to the most hard headed, motivating, inspiring, grounded, hard working, loving, passionate, adorable & funny man in the world!

1. And that my Lord is captivated by simply me....Wow